On Bayesian Methodology. Part 4/6
13 Nov 2024IV. Addressing Computational Problems
Starting at Simple and Complex Models and Meeting in the Middle
Diagnosing computational problems often requires a two-pronged approach:
- Simplify the problematic model step by step until it works reliably.
- Start with a simple, well-understood model and gradually add features until the issue reappears.
This process helps isolate the root cause of the problem.
Getting a Handle on Models That Take a Long Time to Fit
Slow computation is often symptomatic of deeper issues, such as poorly performing Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). However, debugging becomes harder as computation times increase.
Key strategies include:
- Viewing model choices as provisional.
- Fitting multiple models to understand computational and inferential behavior in the applied problem.
Monitoring Intermediate Quantities
Saving and plotting intermediate quantities during computation can reveal hidden issues with the model or algorithm. These visualizations often provide valuable clues for debugging.
Stacking to Reweight Poorly Mixing Chains
In situations where multiple chains mix slowly but remain within reasonable ranges, stacking can be used:
- Combine simulations by assigning weights to chains through cross-validation.
- Particularly useful during model exploration when diagnostics suggest some progress but full convergence remains elusive.
Posterior Distributions with Multimodality and Difficult Geometry
Multimodality and complex posterior geometries pose significant challenges:
- Disjoint Posterior Volumes:
- Near-zero mass for all but one mode.
- Symmetric volumes, such as label switching in mixture models.
- Distinct volumes with significant probability mass.
- Unstable Tails:
A single posterior volume with arithmetically unstable regions.
Each scenario requires tailored strategies for efficient computation.
HMC-based samplers perform best when:
- The mass matrix is well-tuned.
- The posterior geometry is smooth, with no sharp corners or irregularities.
For many classical models, results like the Bernstein-von Mises theorem simplify posterior geometry with sufficient data. When this is not the case, reparameterization can significantly improve computational performance by simplifying posterior geometry.
Challenging geometries in posterior distributions often stem from parameter interactions. Marginalizing over certain parameters can simplify computations:
- Approximations like the Laplace method can be particularly effective for latent Gaussian models.
- Exploiting the structure of the problem can lead to substantial improvements.
Adding Prior Information
Many computational issues can be mitigated by incorporating prior information:
- Priors help address weakly informative data regions, improving model behavior without sacrificing inference quality.
- While the primary purpose of priors is not to fix fitting problems, their inclusion often resolves computational challenges.
Ladder of Abstraction:
- Poor mixing of MCMC.
- Difficult geometry as a mathematical explanation.
- Weakly informative data as a statistical explanation.
- Substantive prior information as a solution.
Addressing computational issues can start at either end of this ladder, transitioning from troubleshooting to workflow optimization.
Adding Data
Similar to priors, additional data can constrain models and resolve computational problems:
- Incorporate new data sources into the model.
- Models that work well with larger datasets may struggle in small data regimes; expanding the dataset can improve performance.
Addressing computational problems in Bayesian modeling involves a combination of simplifying models, leveraging prior information, and refining computational techniques. A systematic approach, starting with diagnostics and iterative improvements, ensures both model reliability and computational efficiency.
V. Evaluating and Using a Fitted Model
Evaluating a fitted model involves multiple checks, each tailored to the specific goals of the analysis. The aspects of the model that require evaluation depend on the application and the intended users of the statistical methods.
Posterior Predictive Checking
Posterior predictive checking involves simulations from the posterior distribution to evaluate model performance:
- While there’s no universal guide for which checks to perform, conducting a few direct checks can safeguard against gross misspecification.
- Similarly, there’s no definitive rule for deciding when a failed check necessitates adjustments to the model.
- The choice of checks depends on the analysis goals and the costs and benefits of adjustments.
Cross-Validation and Influence of Individual Data Points
Cross-validation (CV) enhances predictive diagnostics, especially for flexible models, by providing insights into model fit and data influence:
- Calibration Checks: Use the cross-validation predictive distribution to assess calibration.
- Difficult Observations: Identify observations or groups that are hard to predict.
- Influence Diagnostics: Examine the additional information provided by individual observations.
- Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) is a popular method, though it doesn’t always align with inferential goals for multilevel (hierarchical) models.
- Calibration insights:
- Posterior predictive checking compares marginal prediction distributions to data.
- LOO-CV predictive checking evaluates the calibration of conditional predictive distributions.
- Probability integral transformations (PIT) under good calibration are uniform.
Influence of Prior Information
Understanding how prior information affects posterior inferences is essential for a robust evaluation:
- A statistical model can be understood in two ways:
- Generatively: Explore how parameters map to data using prior predictive simulations.
- Inferentially: Examine the path from inputs (data and priors) to outputs (estimates and uncertainties).
- Sensitivity Analysis:
- Measure shrinkage between prior and posterior distributions, such as comparing posterior standard deviations or quantiles.
- Use importance sampling to approximate and compare posteriors across models.
- Conduct static sensitivity analysis to study posterior sensitivity to prior perturbations without re-fitting the model.
Summarizing Inference and Propagating Uncertainty
Traditional methods of summarizing Bayesian inference often fail to fully represent the complexity of variation and uncertainty:
- Tables and graphs of parameter estimates and uncertainties only capture one-dimensional margins.
- Marginal posterior distribution graphs become unwieldy for models with many parameters and fail to illustrate the interplay of hierarchical model uncertainties.
Tools for Advanced Summaries:
- Use visualization tools like the
R package to effectively summarize and explore Bayesian inference results.
Evaluating a fitted model is a multifaceted process. It involves a combination of diagnostic checks, sensitivity analyses, and advanced visualization techniques. The goal is not just to identify potential misfits but to refine the model for better inference and predictive accuracy.
VI. Modifying a Model
Constructing a Model for the Data
Model construction is a creative process where the modeler combines existing components to account for new data, enhance features of existing data, or establish links to underlying processes.
Incorporating Additional Data
Expanding a model to include more data is a critical step in a Bayesian Workflow.
It’s often said that the value of a statistical method lies not just in how it handles data but in the choice of what data to use.
Working with Prior Distributions
Traditionally, Bayesian statistics refers to noninformative or fully informative priors, but in practice, these rarely exist:
- Uniform Prior: Depends on parameterization, carrying implicit information.
- Reference Prior: Based on asymptotic regimes and fictional data assumptions.
- Informative Prior: Rarely encompasses all available knowledge.
Ladder of Priors:
Think of prior distributions as existing on a continuum:
- Improper flat prior.
- Super-vague but proper prior.
- Very weakly informative prior.
- Generic weakly informative prior.
- Specific informative prior.
Priors also act as constraints, shrinking estimates toward simpler models. However, the need for prior information varies based on:
- The role of the parameter in the model.
- The parameter’s position in the hierarchy.
When introducing new parameters:
- Consider tightening priors on overarching metrics like means and standard deviations.
- Be cautious of the concentration of measure in higher-dimensional spaces.
A Topology of Models
Models within a framework can be thought of as forming a topology or network structure. This structure reflects connections and partial orderings rather than probabilities assigned to individual models.
Examples of Model Navigation Tools:
- Automatic Statistician: Explores models in specified but open-ended classes, like time series or regression models, using inference and model criticism.
- Prophet: A time series forecasting tool allowing users to build models from predefined building blocks.
Model Operations: Models, treated as probabilistic random variables, can be combined in multiple ways:
- Additive, multiplicative, linear mixing, log-linear mixing, pointwise mixing, and more.
Each model has its internal structure, with parameters estimated from data, and parameters across models can interact (e.g., shared parameters).